Even More New Features!

September 5th, 2014 | Company News

Our customers are waking up to a load of new features and improvements this morning. These have all come from customer feedback and include:

  • Overhauled task, calendar and alerting system.
  • Managers can now view all tasks in the system and filter using various options.
  • Tasks and interviews can now be exported from the system, and automatically synced with external applications such as Outlook, Gmail and Calendar for Mac.
  • Minor interface tweaks and improvements.

The full list of improvements can be viewed by logging into the system.

Unfortunately, there’s no rest for the wicked – the development team are already working full steam ahead on the next batch of updates. We’re committed to maintaining Recruit So Simple as the UK’s leading online recruitment software product.


4.9 Average 33 Reviews


M Greening

What a fantastic start to the New Year guys - I love the updates to the system. I’m already making use of the new filtering and reporting options. Thanks for all the great support I received last week as well...

A Wilkes

I’m a long time user of RSS - over three years now - and I can’t recommend them highly enough. On the occasions that I’ve contacted their technical support, the response times are extremely fast. This is of gre...