Why recruitment consultancies fail to upgrade

October 16th, 2017 | Industry News

Like many software providers we’re keen to discover what causes people to use our software – but we’re equally fascinated by what stops them! While we have a substantial amount of information on the first group, it’s difficult to find out about the second, but by aggregating information from a number of high profile cases we are able to discover a few key problems that keep businesses from reaching their full potential.

Complexity creates fear of recruitment software

Any change to business practice can create fear in users – maybe they won’t understand the new system, perhaps processes will take longer than with the old one, or it might even be that users fear losing data. That’s why we’re called Recruit So Simple – because we know that for recruitment agencies to choose our SaaS recruitment software, it has to be three kinds of simple:

  • Simple to set up
  • Simple to learn
  • Simple to use

We pride ourselves on balancing simplicity and richness of performance so that our users are delighted that they can rapidly master a system that offers them a varied range of functions. Simple recruitment software doesn’t have to be basic and we’ve proved it.

Lack of technical ability at the top makes for poor decisions about software

Corporate decisions about technical matters such as choosing the best employment software are often influenced by the view of senior managers. If the top team aren’t confident about technology, they can create a climate of dislike around technological investment. That’s why cloud recruitment software can be a great benefit to companies where technical mastery may not be high. Unlike bespoke systems, which are outsourced to remote providers and allow an ‘out of sight out of mind’ mentality to develop, cloud based recruitment software is readily accessible from anywhere, at any time of day, and can be easily updated and upgraded by the supplier. We recognise that our recruitment platform has to be as accessible to a non-technical user as to a software and systems expert. By working in the cloud we can ensure our software is always updated, that we recognise and resolve threats and issues and that our clients are constantly given the best software experience, without ever needing to take a refresher course… we integrate improvements seamlessly so experience improves without interrupting client usage.

Cost is always a consideration

No business likes to waste money and software can seem like an endless budget drain. We believe that low-cost recruitment software can also be excellent, and it’s our ambition to balance cost and performance so that our clients are always delighted with both. When recruitment agencies compare recruitment software, we urge them to test our applicant tracking system against any other, confident that when it comes to value for money and range of function we will rank amongst the best.


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