Latest Improvements to Recruit So Simple

August 20th, 2012 | Company News

Today we released an update to Recruit So Simple which makes our email system even better and easier to use, we’ve also launched a new feature on our website integration module for LinkedIn support.

  • Candidates can now apply for jobs using their LinkedIn profile
  • Improved postcode radius searching for clients and contacts
  • Easier to find specific emails using the search tools
  • Quickly see if you’ve replied to an email and if it’s been read
  • You can easily change which record(s) an email is linked to
  • Improved navigation when reading emails

With our new LinkedIn support, candidates can apply for jobs through your website using their LinkedIn profile instead of having to fill out the registration form. Our website integration module can be included on your website, and allows you to display your jobs and accept candidate registrations. There’s no extra cost for this feature, and takes just minutes to get setup.

We’re always working on improving the system, making it easier to use and adding more features. We’re committed to maintaining Recruit So Simple as the UK’s leading online recruitment software product.


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C Welch

After working in the Recruitment Industry for a number of years and having a vast amount of experience with different Recruitment Databases when I started my own business I knew I was lookin...

B Murphy

Being able to consolidate all of my data to one, simple to use, cloud-based solution has transformed my business. I cannot recommend RSS highly enough. The after-sales customer service is an...