Google search, payroll fraud and financial adviser recruitment
September 25th, 2019 | Industry News
As 23 European job search sites write to the European Competition Commissioner complaining that Google’s online recruitment tool is ‘a lever to dominate yet another online industry’ other online recruiters are adjusting their web-based recruitment software to cope with the new Google offering. The complaint is that Google’s job adverts appear above the websites of other search companies and, the signatories claim, on mobiles, the Google Jobs box fills the entire screen, reducing click-throughs to other competitor sites. Google disputes all the claims.
Fighting fraud with online recruitment software
Recruitment software should have the capacity to help recruitment consultancies protect themselves against fraud and the best recruitment software for agencies is robust enough to recognise patterns that could indicate fraudulent behaviour.
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Avoiding the recruitment mistakes that cost big businesses plenty
August 30th, 2019 | Industry News
Recruitment agencies that make use of SaaS solutions have a real advantage when it comes to avoiding the kind of errors that huge businesses and sectors are prone to falling into.
Recruiting for oil and gas – and where it goes wrong
Once there was a well-worn groove from science and engineering departments to the oil and gas industry. But since 2014, this resource has slowed, partly because the price of oil has dropped and graduate recruitment was cut by around 50%. Although there has been a turnaround in the industry, recruitment hasn’t benefitted. In fact, it’s reported that 90% of executives in the oil and gas sector say skill shortages are damaging productivity. Even the best recruitment CRM struggles to find candidates to fill the shortages in this sector… bad press is definitely one reason, like tobacco and armaments, oil and gas has become a field that can turn off bright graduates, but unconscious recruitment bias has played a part too. Adverts that use language like ‘challenging position’ or ‘great benefits for candidates willing to accept adverse working conditions’ may sound honest, but in fact they read like code for ‘men only need apply’.
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Successful recruiting in international markets
August 16th, 2019 | Industry News
Recruitment software used to be a blunt tool that recorded facts and kept track of payments. Today it’s a sophisticated contribution to an increasingly challenging endeavour – finding the right candidate in challenging marketplaces. SAAS recruitment agencies are ahead of the game, relying on online recruitment software that can handle complexities like Brexit and the Deutsche Bank layoffs to provide the best possible service to job seekers and clients.
Brexit and Deutsche Bank (DB)
For big international recruiters finding that activity in Europe is essential to offset the slowdown in the UK market, the balancing act has just become more tricky. Even the best recruitment CRM can’t disguise the fact that net fee incomes from UK recruitment are falling – big agencies are posting between 4-8% drops this quarter, small agencies may be feeling it even more. This makes Deutsche Bank’s 18,000 job reduction a major impact on an already fragile market.
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Good news for the UK hiring economy and how to find the perfect recruitment consultancy
July 26th, 2019 | Industry News
The Recruitment and Employment Confederation reports that UK employers felt 4% more confident about making hiring decisions in the last quarter. Confidence in the economy has also risen by around 3%, although it’s still very low. Demand for temporary agency workers is forecast to increase by 2% this quarter, just as it did in the previous one, but it’s still 13% lower than 12 months ago.
On the negative side, four out of five employers say they have little surplus capacity and 27% say they have no extra capacity at all. This means that companies are tightly stretched and illness or other absence problems are likely to increase stress on the rest of the employees. Over 90% are expected to use a recruitment consultancy in the 12 months ahead and they say they are looking for either geographical expertise or sector experience when selecting a partner agency.
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Recruiters as retainers – a new paradigm in uncertain times
July 16th, 2019 | Industry News
The traditional view of recruiters is that retention is their enemy. Today’s employment uncertainty means that retention has become a key issue, not just for companies hiring staff but for recruiters trying to fill vacancies. A survey has shown that the number of people offered permanent jobs via recruitment agencies fell for the fourth month in a row in June. While temporary hiring rose slightly, the first six months of 2019 have been the slowest growth period since 2013. Employers are struggling, but aren’t necessarily turning to recruitment agencies because of this old, and today profoundly out-of-date image as the spivs of the hiring world.
Recruiting software, applied with sophistication, can not only improve recruitment but work towards retention. For a new hire to stay, three factors have to be considered:
- Are they right for the job?
- Are they motivated?
- Are they adequately rewarded?
Recruitment CRM software can deliver responses to the second two questions BEFORE the candidate is hired. How?
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Innovation in recruitment – a software perspective
June 24th, 2019 | Industry News
Everything moves faster these days. Recruitment is no different, but systems don’t always keep pace. We’ve chosen a case study to show how the best recruitment CRM actively speeds up recruitment and gives agencies the lead in effective recruitment.
How to recruit in FinTech
A recent Government report into the UK FinTech market reveals that this sector produces £6.6B per annum, 42% of personnel are from overseas and women make up a third of the total workforce. In another study 78% of vacancies fell into five categories: software design and engineering, operations, data and analytics, sales and marketing and less than 10% of those vacancies were in the latter two areas, so this is a tech heavy recruitment field.
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Recruitment costs and growing your own talent
June 11th, 2019 | Industry News
According to HR Director, a standard recruitment process can cost up to £11,000 and soak up around 27 days. That’s a substantial increase in both cost and time over five years ago. It’s no surprise to recruitment professionals with Brexit, economic uncertainty established talent gaps particularly in STEM sectors all contributing to the difficulty of finding, and retaining, the right people.
Limitations in the traditional ‘recruitment campaign’ include the process of the funnel which limits both speed and access to ideal candidates by taking a linear approach to hiring. New models which have a ‘wheel’ of recruitment change recruiting from a linear to a non-linear process but engaging all potential candidates – via recruitment software – in a process that puts them, rather than the job, at the centre of a web of connections. Recruitment agency software can be used to nurture relationships, staying in touch with each individual and establishing a long-term relationship via an applicant tracking system, UK-wide and able to recognise the vital moments when talent in the network can be rapidly recruited into appropriate positions.
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Do you need a specialist recruiter?
May 28th, 2019 | Industry News
Every industry claims to have unique elements – but to what extent is that true and how much does it affect the recruitment process? Web based recruitment software comes in two forms, generic or bespoke. The advantage of bespoke software is that you can have it designed to your specific circumstances, but the disadvantage is that this can substantially limit your recruiting potential.
If you choose generic online recruitment software, will it meet your needs?
The best recruitment CRM should be customisable to a degree that allows your organisation to tailor its usage to your own needs. An example – retail is a huge industry, with a $26 trillion turnover predicted by the end of this year.
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The role of recruitment software in legislative compliance
May 9th, 2019 | Industry News
In April 2020, recruitment agencies will take on the responsibility for setting IR35 status – a situation that has been the case since 2017 in the public sector. It’s crucial that recruitment agency software has the capacity to determine IR35 because the financial liability for a wrong decision could have substantial implications for the agency. Designed to prevent tax avoidance by contractors, there are three key factors that help an agency ensure they remain on the right side of the law:
1. Supervision, direction and control – determining the degree of autonomy that a contractor has is vital. For contractors, the freedom to control projects is a significant factor in deciding IR35 status. To avoid getting caught in the IR35 net, a contractor has to be in control of every aspect of any project they have been recruited to complete. With IT contracts, it’s important that there be specific deadlines and tasks attached to a project to prevent it being seen as ‘without end’ which would make the contractor an employee. In all cases, contracts must not contain clauses that give a client the right to control or supervise the contractor. The best recruitment CRM allows for a clear and transparent communication trail which can be used to clarify IR35 status if there any queries.
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2019’s recruitment challenges and an Easter egg from Recruit So Simple
April 24th, 2019 | Industry News
Recruitment Software can’t solve all problems and we’d be the first to admit it. Bullhorn has just published Global Recruitment Insights which identify skills shortages, technology challenges and political and economic threats to growth. The report focuses on the skills dearth, particularly in STEM areas, and with over three quarters of recruiters questioned saying that overcoming the skills shortage would be a major challenge in 2019, addressing the diversity deficit is becoming crucial. As the report says, organisations that deny themselves the opportunity to benefit from a diverse approach, they also lack a wide perspective and a range of resources.
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O Simpkins
A colleague recommended Recruit So Simple to me and I’m glad I made the switch. It took a little while to get used to a new system, but after a couple of days and a little help from their customer support, I’ve...
T Burrows
As a startup I spent some time investigating recruitment software before stumbling upon Recruit So Simple. It’s early days, but I’ve found it very easy to use so far. The bulk import wizard made migrating data...