
Informative articles on the recruitment industry

Informative articles on the recruitment industry, specifically relating to recruitment software and how it helps your business.

Recruitment Software

What is recruitment software?

Recruitment software is also known as RMS or a recruitment management system - it’s a software tool that speeds up and automates the processes of hiring staff...

Candidate Management

How customisation of recruitment software helps you find the right person for the job

There are three main areas where using recruitment software helps in getting the right person into the right job at the right time...

Recruitment Agency Software

Separating the good from the great

Recruitment is a tricky business. To begin with, there’s finding the balance between focusing on clients (the businesses who need personnel) and candidates...

Staffing Software

How do you choose?

Staffing software is standard recruiting software with some specialised functions that allow it to operate in demanding conditions...

Website Integration

The secret to successful recruitment

More than ever before, successful recruitment strategy depends on finding candidates where they live - social media...

Applicant Tracking System

Streamlining the applicant tracking process

Every business has its bottlenecks - sometimes it’s logistics or cash flow, or even sales, but the one bottleneck that every business...

CV Parsing

Discover the secret weapon of effective recruiters

Back to the beginnings of employment - the secret to success is getting the right person to do the right work for the right price...

Email Management

The role of email in effective recruitment

We know that many of our clients are seeking extra functionality from their recruitment software - as the economy picks up...

Recruiting Specialist Staff

How to hire people with more experience than you

A major area of concern, especially for SMEs and startup organisations, is how to hire staff with more experience or more qualifications...

Recruitment Strategy

6 ways your recruitment strategy may be falling short

It’s too easy to rely on trusted methods. Instead of placing traditional job ads and sifting through piles of inappropriate applications...

Social Recruitment

Using social media to recruit talent

Understanding why social media matters can help an company, or recruitment agency recognise that a recruiting platform that doesn’t take...

The Cost of Recruitment

How to resolve the problem of high recruitment costs

Many small to medium sizes business owners wrongly believe that the biggest cost when recruiting is the actual recruiting process...

Business Performance

What separates a great recruitment consultancy?

What separates a great recruitment consultancy from a merely average one? Here are the most commonly given answers...

Managing Expectations

Managing expectations when recruiting

There are two major problems that any recruiter faces when beginning the process of recruitment in-house or as a recruitment consultancy...

Recruit So Simple


4.9 Average 33 Reviews


J Brownlie

Andrew was superb throughout the whole process. He understood that the issue would better be resolved over the phone and endeavoured to make it as easy as possible. Effortless and very efficient whilst giving...

L Thornhill

I've worked in recruitment since 2001, so have plenty of years' experience and plenty of recruitment systems experience. Despite having worked for a very large corporate, their system was nowhere near as good...