Why recruitment software? And when?

November 21st, 2023 | Industry News

More evidence that recruiting software is changing the nature of recruitment, and that recruitment itself is changing has come from two recent reports. The Manpower Group has been exploring the market for ‘green’ talent. They claim 55% of business leaders who responded expect that green business trends with make greater demands on recruitment than technology in the next five years and that this transition is expected to created up to 30 million jobs, worldwide, by 2030. This means that recruiters who ride this trend will benefit from a major source of income in the years ahead.

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Blue collar recruitment

November 6th, 2023 | Industry News

While most recruitment literature focuses on so called white collar recruitment, in the UK both agencies and HR departments are experiencing profound challenges in recruiting manual and skilled workers for most trades, with the Engineering and Hotel and Catering sectors being especially short of both permanent and temporary staff to fill vacancies

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Meeting 2023’s recruitment challenges

October 17th, 2023 | Industry News

News from Robert Walters, the specialist professional recruitment consultancy, has highlighted the difficulties facing many recruitment agencies at present.  Robert Walters has had a 13% drop in net fee income over the past quarter and has let 150 staff go in the past 12 months. The agency’s specialism in technology and financial recruitment has been hard hit by hiring freezes and the big redundancies in the tech sector. So what does this mean for recruitment as a whole?

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Recruitment priorities: partnership and proactivity

October 3rd, 2023 | Industry News

Most recruiters try to build strong relationships with their clients, but there’s a stage beyond getting on well – true partnership. Partnership begins with recruitment website design – your online presence as a recruiter is not just your digital business card but also that of your clients. Creating a website for recruitment that allows them to demonstrate their needs, nature and culture is an excellent way of partnering your clients, because it creates great transparency without you having to constantly communicate who your clients are and what they are looking for. SAAS recruitment agencies have an additional benefit in partnership, because they can work with clients worldwide, allowing good communications to take place across national barriers and time zones.

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What makes an outstanding recruitment website?

September 22nd, 2023 | Industry News

Recruitment used to be about having an office in the right location: easy to find, centrally located for both clients and candidates and in a ‘good’ area. Today, digital recruitment is similarly demanding, but requires a website that meets the needs of both candidates and clients.

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The lowdown on AI and Recruitment

September 12th, 2023 | Industry News

AI is nothing new to recruitment – at least to the recruiter. Web-based recruitment software has been calling on AI for several years, to sort through CVs and resumes but generative AI, artificial intelligence that creates (or generates) material such as text and images, is a game-changer for the recruitee too.

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Top tips for launching a specialist recruitment agency

August 24th, 2023 | Industry News

Given the uncertain future of many economies, including the UK and USA, setting up a recruitment agency might seem risky. However, there are two areas of recruitment that are likely to maintain growth in the medium term and where successful identification of the right talent is something that companies will be willing to pay for. They are start-ups and IT.

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Faltering economies impact recruitment

August 8th, 2023 | Industry News

In both the USA and the UK, economic slowdowns are starting to influence when, how and why companies are recruiting. Data from the USA shows that while nearly a third of brands are planning to hire new staff, a quarter are actually reducing their workforce. The best recruitment crm shows that the level of enquiries from entry to mid-level marketing personnel has rocketed, as uncertainty over brand futures sends those without much experience looking for more established brands to work for.

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Successful or self-defeating? How recruiters are facing current challenges

July 26th, 2023 | Industry News

Several commentators have recently pointed out that it’s self-defeating for organisations to cut costs, or corners, on recruitment at present.

Sadly, the industry knows that it’s happening. In a way, the best recruitment software for agencies may have fed this behaviour, by suggesting that recruiting software can do the job of trained professionals, whereas the reality is that even the best recruitment crm can only aid a recruiter to do their job, not replace them. Part of a recruiters role is to advise their clients. While budgets can often be pruned in recruitment – recruitment website design, for example, can be tailored to act as a passive recruitment tool which saves money on advertising, there is still a necessity to help clients understand that recruitment is a complex and sensitive process, which needs the right level of investment to ensure successful hires are made, and stay.

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As recruiting cools down – multigenerational and digital teams are the way to go

July 10th, 2023 | Industry News

It’s no surprise that money motivates candidates – but as the best recruitment software for agencies can reveal, money isn’t the only motivator. Given that there are four generations in the current workforce, recruiters need to understand how to engage effectively with candidates across the generational perspectives. As an example Gen Z is the least likely generation to respond to salary while Gen X workers are the most likely to feel underpaid. Of course these are broad generalisations but recruitment website design can be tweaked to give candidates of different generations the opportunity to ‘find themselves’ in job descriptions.

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O Simpkins

A colleague recommended Recruit So Simple to me and I’m glad I made the switch. It took a little while to get used to a new system, but after a couple of days and a little help from their customer support, I’ve...

T Burrows

As a startup I spent some time investigating recruitment software before stumbling upon Recruit So Simple. It’s early days, but I’ve found it very easy to use so far. The bulk import wizard made migrating data...